Simon Birch

Discover More About IQ Development for Babies

Beautiful young mother in white shirt happily looking aside whil

The parents’ lap is the first institution for a baby to learn. Staying in the lap of the mother especially, the baby tries to look at things with concentration. The parents themselves help to develop the IQ of the baby with time. Some of the following tips help parents to make progress in this regard.  

1-Touch with a soft hand

Naturally, the baby feels your touch and responds accordingly. The soft touch is the expression of love from your side end and the baby receives and feels it.

2-Cuddle away gently

The body has felt secure when you cuddle away a baby very gently. It grips your arm, clothes, or finger to feel secure. Such a response from the baby’s end shows that the baby is sensitive and has the ability to learn and respond to the environment.

3-Singing a Rhyme

Your baby is born with the five intact senses.  The baby receives through all five senses and responds. If you sing nursery thyme while taking the baby into your lap the baby feels secure and stays cool and calm. Your love is felt by the baby and it enhances the IQ of the baby very fast.

4-Eyeball to Eyeball contact

When your baby is too little, you need to have eye contact with the baby. Certainly, the baby learns with eye contact. It feels your affection and receives a message of love. Even the stare and gaze both affect the brain of the baby and the baby’s response accordingly.  

5-Try to talk to baby

The time of the first three years in the life of a baby is very important. The baby learns a lot along with enhancing its vocabulary. If you try to talk to the baby, it will learn new words. Also, the baby starts thinking with the approach you provide with the art of narration.

6-Pronounce the words gently

Make short sentences by speaking gently. Try to teach it manners with short sentences. For instance, thank you, please, and many others.

7-Teach Counting

You can easily teach the baby how to count. For instance, you can speak the counting aloud while holding the baby’s fingers one by one. The baby will also repeat the counting with you.

8-Help Baby Recognize the Things

You can help babies recognize the things with their names. You just have to point a finger at the object to teach babies their names. For instance, you point to the fan telling the baby about its name. Similarly, you can teach the baby by pointing a finger at the objects.

9-Avoid TV screen

The researchers have proved that the baby below the age of 18 months has no positive effects of TV on nerves. Don’t let the baby let at the TV screen until it reaches the age of 18 or 20 months.

10-Mother’s Breastfeed

Breastfeeding is considered to be the best feeding in the world for a baby.  Continue to feed the baby at least to the age of 6 months. You can continue the feed beyond this period as well. The baby stays healthy with this natural feed.

11-Do not let it weep

The baby reacts very quickly to all needs. The reaction comes in the form of weeping; the baby weeps very loud. Don’t let baby develop this habit to week loudly on petty things. Try to fulfill the baby’s needs in a timely manner.

12-Let the Baby to choose things

Let your baby choose things. Put two toys for example in front of the baby. The baby catches one out of two. It helps babies develop their IQ.

13-Play with your baby

The baby learns through play. You can play with the baby in the room or lawn with different easy games to teach it how to take the situation.

14-Do not force the baby

Don’t force your baby to do the things of your choice. If you force the baby it becomes rude and responds harshly. When you feel that the baby is doing something wrong, try to divert its attention towards another thing instead of punishing or taunting it.

15-Take your baby for an outing

On weekends especially, take your baby for an outing. You can take your baby to a park, or any other place where the things of children’s interests are abundant.

16-Let your baby stay among toys

When your baby reaches the age of 6 months, let your baby stay among the toys for some time. The baby catches a different object and put them here and there. It is a healthy activity on the part of a baby.


The first institution for a baby is its parents’ lap. With time a baby learns a lot from its parents. The baby needs time, love, care and attention. Staying close to the parents, a baby learns a lot in a short time. The parents help the baby develop their IQ.

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