Simon Birch

Safety Tips for your Next Home Improvement Project

Taking on a home improvement project can be exciting, but it’s important to understand that there are some risks that may be involved depending on the specific task. Have a look at some of the safety tips you should consider for your next home project in order to get amazing results safely.

Practice Safety at Heights

If you’re doing anything that involves going up a ladder, make sure that the ladder is sitting on a firm, even surface that’s not slippery. Choose the right ladder for the job, ensure it’s not broken, and find the correct angle to place it against the wall to avoid turning it into a hazard. This is important to do because scaffolding accidents are one of the most common ones in construction. These accidents cost American employers about $90 million in lost work days, and this is a large number of accidents that could be decreased if everyone practiced caution while using ladders.

Make Sure You Have the Right Tools

Having the right tools for the job can not only enable you to work faster, but it can also help you stay safe. Cutting tools need to be sharp, so you don’t need to apply extra force as doing this increases the risk of injury while using them. Always read the manuals before starting to use any of these tools, and keep them from the reach of children as they can pose a hazard in different scenarios. The tools don’t always have to be physical. Lemonade insurance review and complaints is a great place to get home insurance to protect from damages.

Wear Protective Gear

Before you get to work, ensure that you’re wearing the right safety gear. Safety goggles will keep your eyes safe from flying debris, while gloves will make sure you don’t bruise your hands while working with rough and caustic materials. If your home os one of the four out of every five that are covered with asphalt shingles in America, you need to be dressed for the task as well if your project involves going up the roof.

Take Extra Care Around Electricity

Electricity is something that you need to take extra. Ask for help if necessary to avoid potential accidents, which have a higher risk of fatality. If you don’t have any knowledge of electricity, this is one of the upgrades you would be better off leaving to the professionals. If you’re confident about taking on the project, however, you should make sure that all the switches are turned off and everything is unplugged before you begin working.

Have a First Aid Kit and Fire Extinguisher at Hand

It’s important to be prepared for any outcome, so make sure that you have a first aid kit and fire extinguisher close by and you know how to use them. Water isn’t effective for all fires, such as chemical and electrical fires, so a fire extinguisher will be important. If you experience an injury or other medical condition while working, you need to be sure that you have easy access to bandages and such. Around nine out of ten people in the country’s workforce are under the protection of worker’s compensation insurance. This is a number that will benefit from the care they need in case of an accident, but it’s still good to practice caution so you don’t have to experience the pain in the first place.

Keep Your Work Area Tidy

Finally, ensure that your workplace is tidy so there are no tripping hazards and combustible materials around while you work. This calls for careful planning before you begin, an important step that can save you from a number of accidents. Put everything in its right place so you can easily retrieve it when needed and it will also be out of the way when you don’t need to use it.

Follow these safety tips for any home improvement project you take on and you will enjoy safety alongside good results.

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